Our chickens are “pasture-raised,” which means they freely roam on fresh, green pasture most days of their lives. They don’t just have access to the outdoors, they live in the outdoors.

They spend their days as chickens should – scratching and digging for insects, foraging for grasses and herbs and digging dust baths. There’s nothing better than seeing one of the girls fully sprawled out in a fresh dust bath, soaking up the sun. We give our chickens a chance to be chickens, which sadly isn’t the case in all but a few poultry enterprises in today’s world. 

At night, the girls retreat to the comfort of their custom “Eggmobile” which Matt built. The Eggmobile is moved around the farm every couple of days, ensuring the hens have regular access to fresh pasture. 


The hens’ diverse diet, supplemented with only organic feed, create the most nutritious eggs with intensely yellow yolks. Compared to conventionally raised eggs, our pasture raised eggs have more vitamin A, E and D and are lower in cholesterol and saturated fat. You would be hard pressed to find a happier hen in Co. Kerry, but you certainly won’t find a better egg. 

The timed movements of our Eggmobile around the farm fit into our holistic planned grazing routine. The chicken manure and impact from the chickens (scratching / dust bathing) helps to add fertility to our soil. 


There’s three different options to collect our eggs…

  • From the Farm Gate – our Eircode is V92 EYX5
  • Every Wednesday evening from 5-6pm at the Aqua Dome car park. To stay updated with our weekly egg delivery, please join our closed WhatsApp group where we send one update per week. Follow this link for more details.